If you frequent the Etsy forums then you have probably read one or many posts at some time from Cindy of DesignedByLucinda. She suffered a terrible tragedy last week - a fire took the life of her 11 year old son, her pets and destroyed her home.
A Big Cartel shop has been set up to raise money for Cindy and her family. You can find it by clicking the Helping Hearts below. Proceeds from sales will go to the family.
If you would like to make a donation to the shop or a monetary donation all details can be found here.
Yes, I'm jealous of Emma, my cat. I have trouble sleeping and have for years and years. My son and I were in the family room on a freezing cold Saturday morning and Emma was sitting in the sun. My son started laughing and I looked over. Emma had fallen asleep sitting up and gradually went face down onto the beanbag chair - and kept sleeping. She woke when I turned on my camera and proceeded to go back to sleep sitting up. Damn right I'm jealous!! I have no idea what it must be like to be in such a deep sleep.